Monese Bank statement

Virtual Bank

How to get a Monese Bank statement

Monese Bank statement – Monese is a British online bank that offers current account and money transfer services to provide a direct alternative to traditional banks

 However, if you’ve been using the Monese digital services, you may want to learn how to find account statements on the platform.

This guide will provide you the opportunity to do that with no stress on your path.

Why statement of account?

A statement of account is a document that provides a recap of all items or services billed to a client in some cases, as well as confirmation of payments that have been received.

Your statement of account provides ample idea into how funds arrived in your account, as well as how they left, given this, you can understand how your money is being spent, who credit or paid you as well as who you paid.

How statement of account works       

Your statement of account contains debit and credit entries to indicate incoming and outgoing funds, as well as the balance in your account concerning a particular date.

On receipt of funds, such funds appear automatically at the credit end of the account statement, while outgoing funds appear on the debit end of the statement of account.

How to get a Monese bank statement

Step one: It’s assumed that you are a Monese customer before you can access the account statement. Open your Monese app and go to the “Home screen.”

Step two:  Select the account you want in the top part of the app where you can find the currency of your account if you have more than one currency account.

Step three: Tap on “Account details” in the top part of the app below your balance information

Step four: Finally, select “Get a statement.” Choose the date range of the statement and the file type you want to download, your statement will be ready.

Is Monese a UK bank account?

Historically, Monese finder Norris Koppel moved from Estonia to the UK IN 2014, however, with no UK credit history and no utility bills in his name, he struggled to open a traditional bank account. To get well over this stumbling block, Koppel set up Monese, the only bank accessible to users throughout the UK and Europe.

Given the above, Monee is said to be a British-Estonian company.

Is Monese only for UK residents?       

Monese offers financial services to foreign nationals, expatriates, freelancers, and the unbanked, you can open an online money account with Monese if you live in any of the 31 countries in the European Economic Area.

How much can I deposit in Monese?

How much you can deposit into Monese depends on how you wish to deposit your money, for a Post Office deposit, you can deposit 500 Pounds per day, for a PayPoint deposit, you can deposit a maximum of 249 per transaction but a total of 500 pounds per day.

What are the limits on withdrawing money?          

There’s no limit to the number of times you can withdraw money, however, the daily limit is 300 pounds. On a Monese simple plan, you will be charged a fee for all cash you withdraw over 100 pounds.

How to upgrade your Monese account

Go to the account menu and choose my plan to upgrade. You’ll need to have enough funds in the account to cover the 1st monthly fee.

What is the maximum amount I can hold in my Monese account?

The UK account maximum balance is 40,000 pounds.

Can you transfer money from your Monese account into your PayPal?

Not anymore. However, you can still make a direct bank transfer or online payment into your Monese account. If you are in the UK or Romania, you can deposit cash via PayPoint.

You may call Monese at +44 1706 304 001 from Monday – Friday, 08:00 – 17:00 Saturday 10:00 – 16:00, all supports are in English and the timezone is UTC.


The process of getting a Monese bank statement is quite easy as;

Step one: It’s assumed that you are a Monese customer before you can access the account statement. Open your Monese app and go to the “Home screen.”

Step two:  Select the account you want in the top part of the app where you can find the currency of your account if you have more than one currency account.

Step three: Tap on “Account details” in the top part of the app below your balance information

Step four: Finally, select “Get a statement.” Choose the date range of the statement and the file type you want to download, your statement will be ready.

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